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We'd love to help you

You want to find a buyer...
...but are not sure where to begin?
We've been in your shoes and can confidently say that you are able to
sell your house privately.
You can take control of the process
and enjoy selling on your terms -
plus reap the financial rewards.


Great Images

Our business is all about providing top quality photos and videos that help with sales.
Buyers need imagery that will grab their attention and help them decide which house is right.                          


The process

We will discuss your property and provide a costing. If you're happy with that we will then capture great photos and video that you can get straight onto TradeMe and Facebook to start selling. 


On the market

People in the market for a new home are going straight to TradeMe so if your listing appeals they will contact you directly. You decide the details: whether you'd like to host an open home and how long the settlement period should be.                          


Sell, sell, sell

You have control of the process and will consult with your lawyer to confirm the documentation - just as you would if dealing with a real estate agent.
Market price is decided by the market so get out there.


What do you receive? 
We'll provide you with fully edited high-resolution photos and a video file for you to keep. These can be used immediately to market your property. You will also be given a link to your video on YouTube - this can be used for sites such as TradeMe.


"Mike's photos were
great I only needed
one open home and
I had three offers by
the end of the day"

"I was getting phone calls almost as soon as the listing went on TradeMe and we ended up selling to the very first caller"
"Selling privately felt very empowering"

"We had previously worked with two agents without any result.
Mike's video had plenty of
interest and we sold to a lovely family who felt like they already knew the place
top to toe"

Why choose us...?

We're not happy if you aren't happy. We want to provide you with the best imagery to help your sale.

We've been involved in commercial photography/videography for years and love what we do.

Our experience will help you sell your house for the price you want.



Selling tips/suggestions

PO Box 6430
Wellington, 6141
New Zealand